All models that appear in any visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct (as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2257) appearing or otherwise contained in our websites (listed below) were at least eighteen years old at the time of the creation of such depictions.
The owners and operators of our websites and domains (listed below) are not the primary producer (as that term is defined in 28 C.F.R. § 75.1(c)(2)) of any of the visual content contained in our websites (listed below). However, the owners of the domains have copies of a record of the ages of those persons portrayed in any sexually explicit materials on our sites (listed below).
In fulfilling its obligations under 18 U.S.C. § 2257, our websites (listed below) relies on the plain language of the statute and on the well-reasoned decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Sundance Associates, Inc. v. Reno, 139 F.3d 804, 808 (10th Cir 1998), which held that entities which have no role in the "hiring, contracting for, managing, or otherwise arranging for the participation" of the models or performers, are exempt from the record-keeping requirements of 18 U.S.C. § 2257.
All models proof of age is held by the custodian of records, which is listed below organized by primary producer. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.
Custodian of records:
Zafiri Law Office
4/A Szepvolgyi ut
Budapest 1025
E-mail: support AT websupportcentral DOT com
These Legal Notices apply to the Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. and its websites (collectively, referred to herein as "Pressplay", "we" or "us") family of websites (the "Sites"). These include 21sextury.com, 21sexturycash.com, analteenangels.com, assholefever.com, babygotballs.com, bootyfullbabes.com, brothasfuckteens.com, bustyfever.com, clubsandy.com, creampiereality.com, cummingmatures.com, cutiesgalore.com, deepthroatfrenzy.com, dirty101.com, dirtymilfclub.com, dirtyorientals.com, doitbiatch.com, dominatedgirls.com, dpfanatics.com, dpoverload.com, enslavedgals.com, expertdollars.com, fassinating.com, flashthemoney.com, flexypussy.com, footsiebabes.com, grandpasfuckteens.com, hornyeurosluts.com, hotmilfclub.com, intermixedsluts.com, juicybutthoneys.com, lezbohoneys.com, lezcuties.com, lustforanal.com, lustybustychix.com, lustygrandmas.com, magicblondes.com, mandyiskinky.com, mightymistress.com, mightyrods.com, myhornyasians.com, onlyswallows.com, openairpleasures.com, oralquickies.com, peeandblow.com, peepeebabes.com, perfectladyboys.com, pixandvideo.com, playfulhands.com, pornpassforall.com, sexcityasia.com, speculumplays.com, squirtingfiles.com, sweetsophiemoone.com, teachmefisting.com, teenbitchclub.com, tightgayholes.com, vipxxxpass.com, websupportcentral.com, zoliboy.com and any other sites at which these Legal Notices appear.
Copyright (c) 2007 Pressplay Entertainment, Ltd. All rights reserved. The material on the Sites may not be reproduced and may not be distributed, publicly performed or otherwise used in any manner, except with the prior express permission of Pressplay.
No material found or located on the Sites may be reproduced or used for commercial purposes without prior written permission of Pressplay Entertainment, Ltd.
You may email to the Rights and Permissions Department of Pressplay Entertainment, Ltd.
Pressplay Entertainment, Ltd.
Attention: Rights and Permissions
Email: support AT websupportcentral DOT com
You must read and agree to these terms and conditions. By joining a Pressplay Entertainment site, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, and are agreeing to be legally bound by them. This agreement is subject to change by Pressplay Entertainment at any time. Changes are effective when posted on this site without notice upon each subscriber.
1. Legal definitions
"Member" or "Membership", as referred to in this document shall mean: The subscriber or User of a valid username and password (User-id) for the site during the term of membership. "Site," as referred to in this document shall mean: The site for which you are purchasing a username and password (user-id) from Pressplay Entertainment in order to access that site and its materials and benefits of membership. "Subscriber," as referred to in this document shall mean: The End-user, Consumer, of the services of the site and holder of a valid username and password (user-id) for the site. "User-id," as referred to in this document shall mean: The combination of unique username and password that is sold by Pressplay Entertainment and used to access the site. A user-id is a license to use the site for a period of time that is specified. "Bookmarking," as referred to in is document shall mean: The act of placing a URL into a temporary file on the subscriber's browser so that the subscriber may return to that page at a future date directly, without passing through any pages that may have been precedent.
2. Description of services
Pressplay Entertainment will provide one user-id to access the site and its contents for which you are purchasing membership.
3. Billing
"Pressplay Entertainment" will appear on your credit card billing statement for all charges made. Financial transactions are done through PaycomEu, CCBill, SegPay, WTS and GXBill.
4. Payment/fee
Sites will have periodic subscription fees that are defined by the terms of the site at the time of the initial enrolment for subscription. The member is responsible for such fees according to the terms of the site, once a member has accessed the site using the user-id, assigned to the member.
All refunds will be credited to the credit card, debit card, or checking account used in the original transaction solely. Refunds will not be issued by cash, check, or to another credit card..
5. Time of fulfillment of the contract
Time within Pressplay Entertainment will form the contract is 24 hours. Also the site has a service of automatic recurring billing. As determined by the Webmaster of the site, subscription fees may be automatically renewed at the end of the original term selected, for a similar period of time, unless notice is received from the subscriber three (3) days prior to renewal. All special introductory offer Members shall be exempt from the 3 day notification requirement, but must notify PaycomEu, CCBill, SegPay or Verotel directly 24 hours prior to the end of the trial/special offer period in order to cancel automatic renewal. All trial/special offer memberships shall renew at the one-month membership rate. The maximum Term of this agreement is 100 months. Unless and until this agreement is cancelled in accordance with the terms hereof, subscriber hereby authorizes Pressplay Entertainment to charge subscriber's credit card to pay for the ongoing cost of membership. Subscriber hereby further authorizes Pressplay Entertainment to charge subscriber's credit card for any and all purchases of products, services and entertainment provided by the site.
6. Debiting time of the cardholder
Instantaneous servicing after inserting. Also subscribers may request a copy of the account of charges made for the use of the site. Subscriber foregoes this right if such request is not made. Requests must be made directly to PaycomEu, CCBill, SegPay, WTS and GXBill.
7. On-time execution of orders
Time within Pressplay Entertainment will execute the orders of Subscribers is 24 hours.
8. On-time reaction for all subscriber's questions (Within 72 hours)
The ability and capacity to respond to inquiries from it's Customers promptly and shall endeavour to resolve disputes with Customers amicably. The occurrence of complaints from Customers, inquiries, Credit Backs or Charge Backs with respect to the Client's program or service may be cause for termination of this Agreement if such events occur with unacceptable frequency as determined in the sole discretion of Pressplay Entertainment. In addition, Pressplay Entertainment reserves the right to charge the Client reasonable fees and recover its expenses on account of Credit Backs, Charge Backs, or excessive customer inquiries.
9. Proceding in the case of cancelations and refunds
At any time, and without cause, subscription to the Service may be terminated at by Pressplay Entertainment, the site, or the subscriber upon notification of the other by electronic or conventional mail, or by telephone or fax. In case the customer wants a refund he/she will ask for it and the request can be dealt with by customer service. Subscribers are liable for charges incurred by them until termination of service. If you request cancellation or request a refund from your bank or card issuer due to unauthorized or fraudulent use, Pressplay Entertainment can at its discretion, to prevent further unauthorized use, block your account or card from use at all Pressplay Entertainment clients' websites. This will not however prevent unauthorized use at non Pressplay Entertainment customers, and is not a substitution for your contacting your financial institution to prevent further misuse. You are responsible for any charges imposed by your bank or credit card company for exceeding your account limits or overdrawing your account Should a refund be issued by Pressplay Entertainment, all refunds will be credited to the credit card, debit card, or checking account used in the original transaction solely. Refunds will not be issued by cash, check, or to another credit card.
10. Bookmarking
Subscriber agrees that at any time they will not bookmark any page to the site that will allow the subscriber to bypass the terms and conditions of the site upon entering. If such a bookmark exists, said bookmark will constitute full agreement to said terms and conditions as well as to admission that subscriber is of legal age of majority in their state, country or region.
11. Authorization of Use
Subscribers to the site are hereby authorized a single license to download material found on the site. This license shall grant for sole use via three computer. All memberships are provided for personal use and shall not be used for any commercial purposes or by any commercial entities. Commercial use of either the site or any material found within is strictly prohibited. No material within the site may be transferred to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial. In addition, materials may not be modified, or altered. Materials may not be displayed publicly, or used for any rental, sale, or display. Materials shall extend to copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary notices there from. Pressplay Entertainment and the site reserve the right to terminate this license at any time if the terms of this agreement are breached. In the case that the terms are breached, you will be required to immediately destroy any information or material printed, downloaded or otherwise copied from the site.
12. Copyright Infringement / DMCA / Legal Consequences
Pressplay Entertainment takes copyright infringement and the use of unlicensed materials extremely seriously. Since the U.S. Congress passed the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyrigt Act) in 1998 we have the legal power in our hands to make everyone responsible who is knowingly using, publishing, transmitting etc. copyrighted material as described in the Act.
We will make sure that those who commit copyright infringement will be identified and made responsible for their actions. Our team of expert attorneys will use every legal tool available to make an example of each case to understand the weight of their actions.
Furthermore, we will make sure that the user's credit card, IP address will be logged to blacklist and prevent him from using the services in the future.
Any user committing such acts will have to face ALL legal consequences and will have to indemnify Pressplay Entertainment for all damages caused.
13. Transfer of User-id
Access to the site is through a combination of a username and a password (user-id). Subscribers may not under any circumstances release their user-id to any other person, and are required to keep his or her user-id strictly confidential. Pressplay Entertainment will not release passwords for any reason, to anyone other than the subscriber, except as may be specifically required by law or court order. Unauthorized access to the site is a breach of this Agreement and a violation of law. Subscribers acknowledge that the Webmaster of the site may track through the use of special software each subscriber's entry to the site. If any breach of security, theft or loss of user-id, or unauthorized disclosure of user-id occurs, subscriber must immediately notify Pressplay Entertainment or the site of said security breach. Subscriber will remain liable for unauthorized use of service until Pressplay Entertainment or the site is notified of the security breach by email.
14. Sanction and Approval of Adult Material
This site was designed to be used and viewed solely by people who are at least 18 years of age (or 21 in some areas where needed), who wish to access visual images, audio sounds, and verbal descriptions of a sexually oriented and frankly erotic nature. Materials available within this site may include depictions that are visually graphic in nature and portrayals of nudity or sexual acts and should not be accessed be anyone who is not least 18 years of age (or 21 in some areas where needed), by anyone who finds such material offensive in nature, or by anyone who simply does not wish to be exposed to such materials. By purchasing a membership or user-id, you are implicitly making the following statements: "I affirm and swear that as of this moment, under penalty of Perjury, that I am at least 18 years of age (or 21 in some areas where needed). I will not permit any persons under the age of 18 years (or 21 in some areas where needed) to view or access in any way any materials found on this website. I understand that by accessing this website, I will be exposed to materials that may include but are not limited to, visual images, audio sounds, and verbal descriptions of a sexually oriented and frankly erotic nature, portrayals of nudity, and sexual acts. I affirm that I am not offended by such materials, and that such materials are legal in my community. I am volunteering to view, hear, and access such materials on my own volition, and I choose to do so because I want to view/read/hear or otherwise access such materials for my own enjoyment, information or entertainment. My choice is a manifestation of my interest in such matters, which is healthy and normal, and is also held by most adults in my area. I am completely familiar with the standards held in my community, and the material I expect to access in this site fall within these standards. In my experience, the average adult in my community accepts the consumption of such materials by willing adults in circumstances such as this, which offer reasonable insulation from the materials for minors, and unwilling adults. Adults in my community will accept the standards displayed within this site, and will not find any of the material patently offensive."
15. Supplementary Terms and conditions
The site may have additional Terms and Conditions that are an integral part of this Agreement, and are in addition to these Terms and Conditions. Such Terms and Conditions as listed at the site will in no way invalidate any of the Terms and Conditions listed here. All Terms listed apply to Pressplay Entertainment, the site, and the subscriber. I agree to the terms and conditions specified by the site linked to this page.
16. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid or enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.
17. Notice
Notices by the site to subscribers may be given by means of electronic messages through the site, by a general posting on the site, or by conventional mail. Notices by subscribers may be given by electronic messages, conventional mail, telephone or fax unless otherwise specified in the Agreement. All questions, complaints, or notices regarding the site to Pressplay Entertainment must be directed here. All cancellations of service to a site must be directed to PaycomEu, CCBill, SegPay or Verotel.
18. General Recommendations
We recommend to print out all transaction data and the Terms and Conditions and to keep them at an easily accessible place.
19. Questions and Contact Information
All questions to Pressplay Entertainment regarding these terms and conditions must be directed to:
Pressplay Entertainment, Ltd.
Suite 3c Eurolife Building
1 Corral Road
E-mail address: support AT websupportcentral DOT com
Pressplay Entertainment PRIVACY POLICY
The information is used only to compare with bank data for payment approval/denial. We do not spam-mail you about 3rd party products. We do not give out any of your information to any 3rd party, ever. We'll use your email to contact you regarding your account with us and information on our websites if it's necessary.
Our sites only use cookies to help you enjoy the interactive features of the site and to help us protect the integrity of your username. We do not use cookies to track your movements or to gather any other information.
To access our sites, you must accept the cookie named sid for the domain assholefever.com or babygotballs.com or bootyfullbabes.com or brothasfuckteens.com or bustyfever.com or clubsandy.com or creampiereality.com or deepthroatfrenzy.com or dirty101.com or dirtymilfclub.com or dirtyorientals.com or doitbiatch.com or dpfanatics.com or dpoverload.com or enslavedgals.com or fassinating.com or flexypussy.com or footsiebabes.com or grandpasfuckteens.com or hornyeurosluts.com or intermixedsluts.com or juicybutthoneys.com or lezbohoneys.com or lezcuties.com or lustforanal.com or lustybustychix.com or lustygrandmas.com or magicblondes.com or mandyiskinky.com or mightyrods.com or myhornyasians.com or onlyswallows.com or openairpleasures.com or oralquickies.com or peeandblow.com or peepeebabes.com or perfectladyboys.com or pixandvideo.com or playfulhands.com or pornpassforall.com or sexcityasia.com or speculumplays.com or squirtingfiles.com or sweetsophiemoone.com or teachmefisting.com or teenbitchclub.com or tightgayholes.com or vipxxxpass.com or zoliboy.com.
Netscape Navigator 3.x (Mac and PC)
1) Select "Net Preferences" in the Options menu.
2) In Netscape 3 you cannot shut off cookies. You can only set it to warn you about cookies.
If you have "Warn Before Accepting Cookies" selected, be sure to accept all cookies that are sent to you while on our web sites.
Netscape Navigator 4.x (Mac and PC)
1) Select " Preferences" in the Edit menu.
2) Select "Advanced" section.
3) Select "Accept All Cookies."
Netscape Navigator 6.x (Mac and PC)
1) Choose "Preferences" from the Edit menu.
2) Select "Cookies" from the Privacy & Security option on the left side of the Preferences window.
3) Choose "enable all cookies" or "enable cookies for the originating web site only."
If you click the "Warn me before storing a cookie" button you must accept all our cookies.
Netscape Navigator 7.x (Mac and PC)
1) Choose "Preferences" from the Edit menu.
2) Select "Cookies" from the Privacy & Security option on the left side of the Preferences window.
3) Choose "enable all cookies" or "enable cookies for the originating web site only."
If you click the "Warn me before storing a cookie" button you must accept all our cookies.
MSIE 3.x (Mac and PC)
1) Select "Options" in the View menu.
2) In MSIE 3 you cannot shut off cookies. You can only set it to warn you about cookies.
If you have "Warn Before Accepting Cookies" selected, be sure to accept all cookies that are sent to you while on our web sites.
MSIE 4.x (Mac and PC)
1) Select "Options" in the View menu.
2) Click the "Advanced" tab.
3) Scroll down and choose "Accept All Cookies."
MSIE 5.x (Mac)
1) Choose "Preferences," from the Edit Menu.
2) Select "Cookies" in the "Receiving Files" option on the left side of the Preferences window.
3) Choose "Never Ask" from the drop down menu on the right.
You can choose "Ask for each site" or "Ask for each cookie" but will have to accept all our cookies.
MSIE 5.x (PC)
1) Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
2) Click on the "Security" tab.
3) Click on the "Advanced button."
4) Either allow "automatic cookie handling" [the default] or, if the "Override" automatic cookie handling" box is checked, make sure either "Accept" or "Prompt" is selected for the First-party Cookies option. Be sure to accept all cookies that are sent to you while on our web sites.
MSIE 6.x (PC)
1) Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
2) Click on the "Privacy" tab.
3) Slide the bar to the Medium setting. That should allow you to access all our web sites.
Please read the following notice if you have made a purchase to access any websites of the 21sextury Network via CCBill, EuroBill, PaycomEu, SegPay, ACHBill, GXBill or Verotel.
Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. takes credit card fraud very seriously. We fully disclose all charges, customer service, privacy and refund/cancellation policies in the Terms & Conditions, Purchase Pages & Privacy Policy. By purchasing a subscription service from Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. you acknowledged and accepted those terms during the purchase process. Your details, IP address, use of our services, acceptance of terms and transaction history is securely stored and recorded according to our privacy policy.
Pressplay Entertainment Ltd's billing customer support staff and our billing processors' websites (www.ccbill.com, www.eurobill.com, www.paycomeu.net, www.segpay.com, www.achbill.com, www.gxbill.com and www.verotel.com) and the technical/subscription detailed help website are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
If you have a dispute in regards to subscription charges or product fees, you are required to contact Pressplay Entertainment Ltd.'s customer service first to attempt to resolve the matter. Should you contact your credit card issuing bank in regards to charge disputes against Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. will contest all claims as well as request a signed affidavit. In case customer fraud (where you accessed a website/product and then attempt to dispute the charge) is detected, we will release all information to the relevant authorities in your country of residence regarding false declaration and false claims regarding credit card charges. We also cooperate with the following agencies to ensure all fraud cases are investigated full & prosecuted: Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). Customer fraud is illegal! Making false declarations and claims to your bank regarding charges is punishable by law in all countries from which Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. accepts credit card sales.
If you are suspected of customer fraud, your credit card will also be listed in a global credit card blacklist maintained by anti-fraud systems which will result in your card being blocked from future internet purchases and certain retail outlets. Your credit rating may also be affected for up to 7 years.
We urge you not to commit customer fraud. Contact our customer service representative if you have any questions or queries about Pressplay Entertainment Ltd.'s charges on your credit card or problems with our services.
Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. takes copyright infringement and the use of unlicensed materials extremely seriously. Since the U.S. Congress passed the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) in 1998 we have the legal power in our hands to make everyone responsible who is knowingly using, publishing, transmitting etc. copyrighted material as described in the Act.
We will make sure that those who commit copyright infringement will be identified and made responsible for their actions. Our team of expert attorneys will use every legal tool available to make an example of each case to understand the weight of their actions.
Furthermore, we will make sure that the user's credit card, IP address will be logged to international blacklist and prevent him from using the services in the future.
Any user committing such acts will have to face ALL legal consequences and will have to indemnify Pressplay Entertainment Ltd. for all damages caused.